Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday Beach Day!

I almost left out our free day on Sunday! Well Sunday a group of us decided to go to the coast near where we live. It was just a bus trip away so we figured it all out and went. It wasn't the prettiest beach I've ever seen, but it was definitely a lot of fun with everyone! There was a small town for the beach where they had a market going on and a lot of little food cafe places to eat at. We had lunch there and some gelato! Most of the time we were just laying around on the beach. The boys bought a frisbee and a soccer ball so they decided to do that for a little while. I on the other hand am a person not very fond of frisbee and who also happens to hate soccer haha. So you can imagine my excitement when I noticed some sand volleyball courts set up not too far from where we were! I asked if anyone wanted to go, but unfortunately no one likes volleyball quite as much as I do. So i got some courage and went over to meet some new people. NO ONE SPOKE ENGLISH. It was a little difficult at first but I got enough out for them to understand that I was asking to play. I introduced myself to them in French and explained where I was from. They did the same and then we started playing. It was a lot of fun, except for the fact that there were gigantic rocks hidden everywhere you stepped....but the people were all really nice! After about 30-40 mins I headed back to my group so they would know I hadn't been taken haha. We missed our first bus back so we had to wait over an hour for the next one...there we had long discussions about the TV shows and movies we liked, followed of course by never ending quotations haha. We finally made it back a little after 7:30pm. It was a great day for the sun!
Picture 1: Beach
Picture 2: John, Kyle, Me & Alex
Picture 3: Alan & Daniel
Picture 4: Kyle
Picture 5: Alex, John & Me

1 comment:

  1. Erin,
    I am John’s mom. Thank you so much for allowing us to follow your blog as you chronicle yall’s trip; and what you and the group are doing- seeing, feeling, experiencing. I haven’t been able to talk to John very much, so your blog lets me know in a general sense what he is doing, seeing, etc. Thanks for the pictures also. I am so impressed with what you all have seen, and are learning. What a trip!! I wish I was there!! I know John is glad I am not. Ha-ha!
    I look forward to reading future post. Thanks again for sharing your blog and pictures with us.
    Tell John his mom said hello, to be good, don’t get into any trouble (ha), study hard, be careful, remember his manners, and take advantage of the wonderful opportunity of being there!! See everything!
    Thanks again,
    Janis Kimbrough
