Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Canadian Cemetery

Our next stop was at the Canadian Cemetery. Now this place was truly incredible. When you first walk through you just notice how much care and respect is put in to make it as beautiful as it is. Once you get to the graves you see hundreds of them spread out everywhere, with flowers all in front. The one thing I really liked about this cemetery was the individuality they gave each grave. Yes, from a distance they seem grouped together, but while you're there you find yourself walking down row by row paying your respects to the men individually. Each grave has it's owner's name, rank, age, position, religious symbol and Canadian crest. What is even more personal is that each stone also has a poem at the bottom, chosen by either a family member or close friend. This place was so peaceful and beautiful. I wish I had more to write, but to be honest the entire time there I spent walking down each isle. Feeling extremely thankful to the men that laid below me. This is by far a site that should be at the top of every traveler's list to come and see.
Picture 1: The opening to the area that held the graves "THEIR NAME LIVETH FOR EVERMORE"
Picture 2: Just one section of graves
Picture 3: A single grave
Picture 4: I put this up so you could see a quote "HE LOVED HONOUR MORE THAN HE FEARED DEATH. SLEEP ON. DEAR BUDDY. IN PEACE."
Picture 5: The center of where all the graves are

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I bet reading the headstones were sobering. I think you go to the American cemetery tomorrow. That's the one I'd like to see.

    These pictures are so beautiful. It looks like you are having great weather! :)
