Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sorry I haven't written in awhile...we had mid-terms as well as a paper due this week so I was just trying to focus on that. But anyways, to catch you all up, after we returned from Ireland the first places we went were Musee De Rangers and St. Mere Eglise.

The Musee de Rangers was really cool. Our tour guide didn't speak much English but he still had a lot of great information on the Rangers who climbed the cliffs at Point Du Hoc. We actually learned that Earl Rudder (An Aggie which Rudder Tower is named after on campus) was one of them. After we looked at all the displays downstairs we headed upstairs for a film that talked about the Ranger's objective at Point Du Hoc. The film featured footage from the movie "The Longest Day." It was a great museum that allowed us to understand what the Rangers went through at Poin Du Hoc. "Inaugurated on 6th June 1990, the Rangers Museum tells the story of an American Elite Unit directed by the Lieutenant Colonel James Earl Rudder. Using texts, many photographs of models, as well as personal effects of these men, the visitor follows the course of the troop since his creation on June 19, 1942 in Northern Ireland until the end of the battle of <> on June 8, 1944.

After the museum we walked around town. It was a really cute little town that had a really cute market place. I bought some fresh black berries that were delicious! They had a few souvenir shops along the sides too, and a fresh fish market down towards the end of the street.

Our next stop was in Sainte Mere Eglise for the Airborne museum. When we first got there we had lunch at this really cute creperie place (Alex, Alan and I). After lunch we had a few minutes to walk around town, but then met the rest of the group around the front of the museum. The museum was really cool, there were tanks and planes everywhere. Unfortunately I really didn't get a good look at anything because of the confusion with our tour guide. Apparently there was some miscommunication with the guide and we eneded up having a guide that barely understood any English. So Kyle, Chris and I (the only people in the group that understands French somewhat) ended up talking to him for the majority of the time we had been there. I loved it though!! He was so interesting, and it was really cool to converse with him in french. Luckily Kyle and Chris did most of the talking, because they understand a heck of a lot more than me! But still it was great talking with the man. He ended up giving us a special certificate from the museum and two seals of the airborne museum as well. Afterwards we met up with the group in the movie room to watch the 20 min film "Fight for Freedom."

1 comment:

  1. You know me , I LOVE that you are getting tour guides that only speak French! How exciting that you understand even some of it!! I looked at your pictures on facebook, they are spectacular!

    Have fun in Jersey! "Are you from Jersey?" hahahahah
