Friday, July 9, 2010

The Abbaye Aux-Dames In Caen

Today was our first field trip day! We got dressed up and took the Tram downtown, and then walked to The Abbaye Aux - Dames. The church was gorgeous. We got to walk all around and through it. We saw the area where the actual services take place, as well as a basement, and the area where the nuns would go to wash their hands or something. We had a french tour guide who spoke English pretty well. He told us the history of the Abbaye and how it is still used today (Don't worry mom, I got two brochures, one in french and one in English so you can read it when I get back :) haha). Here is a little excerpt for some background:

"9 Centuries of History....Founded around 1060 by Matilda of Flanders," (We saw her grave in the church) "William the Bastard's spouse, (William the Conqueror) the Abbaye Aux-Dames or Women's Abbey was consecrated on 18 June 1066 and dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Up until the French Revolution this Benedictine abbey gave shelter to young girls from the Norman aristocracy. In exchange the families promised to give a dowry to the abbey."

It really was a gorgeous church. When we saw the grave of Matilda, the guide told us that her body was actually buried under there, everything except her head. This was very curious to me so I asked him where the head went and he said that they cut it off and they play with the heads like they're toy balls outside....they take death very seriously apparently (nothing says I'll miss you more than using your head for a game of soccer). So that was pretty gross, but other than that everything was very interesting.

After the Abbaye, a few of us walked downtown to grab some lunch. I had my first official French crepe! I think it was called La Landaise, it was a buckwheat flour crepe (supposed to be a specialty in Caen along with their cider), filled with duck, potatoes, onions, and this fresh cream sauce. It was delicious!! After that this guy Kyle (another red head who acts EXACTLY like Robert...It's a little freaky haha) and I shared a dessert crepe that had peaches, strawberries, homemade whip cream, and this ice cream that was delicious! After that we all agreed we were pretty exhausted from the last few days so we headed back to our rooms. It's about 3pm here and I think its about time I lay down for at least a short power nap! I'm going to try to put pictures up on here so hopefully they will show up!


  1. Very cool! Glad it is not all classrooms!

  2. Erin, you are too funny! I love the soccer comment. Glad you are having fun and learning history during the process. Keep up the posts! Love Dad

  3. Erin! I love reading your posts, and so glad we can finally see pictures!
    Crapes are the lots and lots and lots! (I promise you burn them off from all the walking you do!)
    Have fun, looks like you are having a great time!
