Monday, July 19, 2010

1st Day in Ireland!!!

Ireland was amazing! Unfortunately, our first night was a little rough because our plane was delayed 2 hours, so we were all stuck in the airport for a long time. We didn't even make it into the city until about 2am Dublin time. We checked into our hostel and then all pretty much went to sleep.

The next day we were all up bright and early ready to see the sights! We found out about this great bus tour called the "Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour" that takes you all around the town and allows you to get off at certain spots. It's also only about a ten min wait in between buses so it was very easy to get off and see as much as we wanted! The first day we took the bus basically the whole way around just to get a large tour of the city. It was really neat to see how everything is in Dublin.

I think I'll just try to write individual blogs about the places we went so its easier to get a feel for everything...but this was our main schedule

Thurs: arrive at 2am and SLEEP!!
Fri: Take the Bus tour around the city. We saw Grafton (where we ate lunch), Trinity College, Christ Church, The Viking Museum, the Guinness Storehouse, and Temple Bar
Sat: Alex & I were kind of on our own but we saw Dublin Castle and then just kind of walked around town to see the city, then at 8 we met up with everyone to see a live River dance at the Gaiety Theatre!
Sun: Alex Stephanie and I had a day trip to Wicklow Glendalough with the "Over the Top Day Tours". It was amazing! That lasted all day so afterwards we went back to the hostel for a little while until our Ghostbus Tour at 9:30 (very creepy, so worth it too).
Mon: nothing except get in a cab and head to the airport to go back to Caen :( I miss Ireland homeland!!! haha :)
Picture 1: Avalon House...the Hostel we stayed at
Picture 2: Chris Alex and I roaming the streets of Dublin
Picture 3: The Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour we used
Picture 4: Streets of Dublin
Picture 5: Opening of Grafton St.
Picture 6: At the Gravity Bar on the top floor of the Guinness Storehouse (Michal-Ann, Allison, Me, Chris & Alex)
Picture 7: Walking to Temple Bar Friday night
Picture 8: Me on the Wicklow Tour
Picture 9: Stephanie & Alex being funny on the Ghostbus Tour
Picture 10: Ghostbus Tour bus


  1. Was it colder there? It looks like everyone is in jackets. The countryside looks so beautiful. I'm glad you had at least 3 days to see things. Sounds like you saw a lot of neat things!

  2. Ireland looks beautiful! That bus sounds convenient, guess we will all just have to go back so you can show us how it works! I am jealous you got to see a Riverdance, I bet that would be so cool!!!!!!!! Looks like you are having a blast, enjoy it!!!
