Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We ended up landing early around 8:30am. I slept through most of the flight THANK GOODNESS! I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep, but those sleeping pills seemed to do the trick. I sat next to two guys on my flight that are in my class named Rex and John. Both very nice guys who were easy to talk to. Our entire class sat in about the same area. I ended up passing out for basically the entire flight which was good because we still had a little to do for the rest of the day. After we landed we met up in an area after customs and waited for Dr. Bradford and Prof. Watson. When we found them we went outside and got on a bus that took us to Caen. We stopped for lunch in what seemed like the nicest truck stop I've ever been too. (Most Texas truck stops that I've seen are basically gas stations haha).

When we arrived in Caen we had about an hour to just hang out and get our stuff into our rooms. Alex and I both decided to have separate rooms since they were being offered. Luckily we ended up right down the hall from one another and just leave our doors open so we can come in and out of each other's rooms. After we got settled, Prof. Watson took us to the Tram station to help show us how to use it and buy tickets. Some people wanted to go downtown, but Alex and I, as well as a few others, were tired and decided to walk to the supermarket close by instead. Alex and I got just a few things for lunches and snack such as lunch meat, rolls, and some fruit. It was kind of exciting for me because i got to help Alex order a couple things because i am one of the few students here that understands a little bit of french. It was pretty cool to see all my studying come into play haha. After getting a few essentials, Alex and I headed back to the dorms with a boy named Allen and Kristina (both people in our classes).

When i got back to the dorm, Deirdre of course was waiting for me haha. So I skyped with her for about ten minutes and then went into Alex's room where we had dinner and talked for a few hours to get to know each other. She's a really sweet girl, who is very easy to talk to. I really like her and we seem to get along just fine. After dinner we hung out a little bit longer and watched an episode on my computer. Afterwards we both agreed that we were exhausted from the day and were going to take showers, read a little for Prof. Watson's class, and then head to sleep. It's about 9:45pm here and I'm about to jump in the shower, but just thought I would update everyone on the day. Whoever is reading this I miss you a lot and hope everything is going well back home! Tomorrow we start our first day of classes, but not before our 7:30am breakfast...woooo haha. Tomorrow doesn't have anything too exciting in store except for going to class, but Alex and I were talking about going downtown so if we do, I will be sure to update it on here. Love you all very much! And miss you tons!!


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