Thursday, August 26, 2010

That's All Folks

Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to finally finish the blog. Our last week in Germany consisted of a lot of class work, field trips, and studying. On one of the field trips we took a bus tour around Bastogne and learned all about the Battle of the Bulge. It really was a very interesting city that still kept a lot of historical buildings up. We also went a little bit outside the city and saw some fox holes left behind from the war.

Unfortunately, the last few days in Europe weren't the most exciting. We were in this really neat "community type" area that had a game room, a dinning room, a nice park-ish area outside, and a pretty walking path. However, we weren't really able to enjoy any of these things because of how much we were trying to focus on studying for the final.

After we took our finals we got all packed up and headed to our Rhine River cruise. Although we were all extremely exhausted from the trip and studying, the Rhine River cruise was still really awesome. There were castles on either side, and little towns and vineyards going up and down the hills as we rode past. It was so pretty and quite incredible to see the houses and castles built on such steep hills.

After six long weeks of being in Europe it was really nice to be back in good ol Texas. I hope I get another opportunity to go to Europe because it was truly an amazing experience. Thank you mom and dad for allowing me to go on such an incredible trip! I love you both so much for it! And thank you everyone for reading this blog and keeping up with me during my trip!

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