Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Love Paris! cont...

The D'Orsay Museum was really spectacular! My favorite things to see there were the Degas Ballerina's and the Toulouse Lautrec collection. After the museum we headed back over to the Louvre. We had already seen a few things there, but Alex ended up showing me a part of the "Da Vinci Code" so we decided to go back and look at the same paintings they showed in the movie. It was pretty cool to see it all right in front of us. Well after that we were so tired from all of our walking that we decided to head back home and relax for a little bit before dinner.

We laid down for awhile just to catch up on some rest. Then we took showers and got ready to meet a few people downstairs for dinner and our last night out in Paris. We took the metro down to the Latin Corner to experience some of the early night life, and just see the area. It was a really cool spot. There were a lot of really neat cafes and bars all along the streets it was really cool. We had a nice dinner at one of the cute little restaurants down the street. After dinner we decided to head back near our hotel, get a few bottles of wine and then go sit in front of the Eiffel Tower as a group. It was a lot of fun, there's so much going on at the Eiffel Tower at night and every time it lights up it is so pretty! At first it was Michal Ann, Stephanie, Cam, Alex, Daniel, Kaitlyn, Allison, Alan and I, but then about an hour later Kyle, John and Rex joined our group. It was a great way to spend our last night in Paris!

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